Bulldogs were originally known for driving the cattle to market and competing in the bloody sport called bullbaiting. However, today they are perfect companions. It's a purebred dog breed, but you can find them in shelters and rescue centers. So, remember to visit shelters and rescue centers before buying them from breeders and pet stores. Bulldogs are affectionate with all the family members and can be trained for apartment life. Make sure to take their special care in the extreme weather and give them proper exercise to prevent weight issues.

They are originated in England and sometimes also known as English Bulldogs or the British Bulldog. They slightly resemble their ancestors in appearance. Despite their small height, bulldogs are wide and muscular.  Bulldogs' dark eyes, small and thin ears with folded back makes them very attractive for the dog lovers. They are popular in the USA, but not for everyone due to their heavy size. Let's know more about this top breed.


Although bulldog is a much different breed today, but they are descended from the ancient mastiff-type dogs. They entirely develop in England, where the first mention of the breed was back in 1500. They were known for a famous spectator sport when there were no professional TV shows, movies, and video games. This game is based on a bull, where the dog tries to latch onto the bull.

Early bulldogs are a little taller and heavier than today's bulldogs. They use their wide mouth and strong jaws to hold the bull's snout. Their higher tolerance for the pain makes them perfect opposition to the bull. In 1935, after a lot of controversies, bullbaiting was banned in England. After that, many people think that bulldogs will disappear as they have no purpose. But despite their stamina, strength, and persistence, many people think to breed them for a sweet and gentle temperament dog. Breeders started to select only those bulldogs that have a docile temperament and transformed them into gentle and affectionate dogs.

In 1864, the first bulldog club was formed, which name as "R.S. Rockstro". After that, Bulldogs were brought to the United States. In 1886, the first bulldog named "Bob" was registered with the American Kennel Club, and they recognized this breed in 1890.


Today's bulldogs are smaller than their earlier fellows, as discussed above as well. Today, a mature male bulldog can reach up to 50 pounds, and a female can have 40 pounds weight. They can have 12 to 15 inches height at the shoulders, but the show dogs are a little heavier than the others.


Bulldogs are very sweet and socialize but can be turned into excellent watchdogs with little training. They are lovely and friendly and not fighters like the earliest bulldogs. But occasionally, they can develop a stubborn nature, so early training is necessary. 

They are slow learners, but once they develop a habit, they don't forget for the rest of their life.

A bulldog's temperament depends upon a lot of factors, including heredity, training, and socialization. Puppies usually have a nice temperament and are willing to approach people. Makes sure to choose a middle-of-the-road puppy and at least once meet with their mother to ensure their nice temperament. You can also meet with siblings and other fellows for further satisfaction. Like all the other dog breeds, it's good to introduce them to different people, sights and sounds from an early age. You can enroll them in the puppy kindergarten class if you don't have enough time.  


Bulldogs are also prone to certain health issues and conditions like many other dog breeds. Although not all individuals will get diseases, but it's important to know about them. For maximum satisfaction, you can choose a good repeatable breeder and meet with the puppy parents. All the responsible breeders make sure to cross the physically sound and mature dogs to produce the best puppies that are free from genetic diseases. 

This breed has many health problems, including cherry eye, dry eye, entropion, inverted sneezing, brachycephalic syndrome, head shakes, hip dysplasia, tail problems, and patellar luxation.


Bulldogs are indoor dogs and don't require much exercise. They love the relaxed lifestyle and are ready for a nap after 15 minutes of play. Bulldogs love any type of home, from an apartment to a big house with a yard. You can also take them for a walk during the cool part of a day, but make sure to don't take them on long walks. 

They don't do good in hot weather, breath heavily, and are susceptible to heatstroke. 

A half-hour in outdoor during the 85-degree temperature can kill your bulldog. Make sure to provide them an air-conditioned environment, with plenty of freshwaters during the hot weather conditions. Train your bulldog during an early age, as they don't forget once they learn something.


Bulldogs need ½ to 2 cups of high-quality dog food daily, which should be divided into two meals. But the exact feeding of your bulldog depends upon their size, age, build, metabolism, and activity level. All the dog's diet varies from individual to individual like the humans. Bulldogs are easier to overfeed, but it can stress their joints. Make sure to perfectly measure your dog intake to prevent them from overweight issues.

Coat colors

Bulldog cost is usually straight, short, fine-textured, smooth, and glossy. They usually have skin on the head, neck, and shoulders with two loose folds at the throat. They come in a variety of colors, including red, brindle, solid white, solid red, fawn, fallow cream, pale yellow, yellow-red, and piebald. The solid black color bulldog is very rare and demanding.


Use the firm bristle brush to brush the smooth, fine, and short-haired coat at least once a week. Wipe their face, and clean inside the wrinkles with the damp cloth every day. You can also use baby wipes to clean the bulldog wrinkles. After that, clean your bulldog nose and apply the petroleum jelly to prevent them from becoming dry and flaky. They are average shedders but brushing once a week can help them minimize this problem. Other grooming needs of a bulldog include nail care and dental hygiene.

Some Important FAQs About Bulldog:- 

Are Bulldogs Good Pets?

Yes, Bulldogs are wonderful family pets due to their sweet and gentle disposition. They are generally very well with the family members and other pets but sometimes can be aggressive with unfamiliar dogs.

Are Bulldogs aggressive?

They are not aggressive by nature but can be aggressive when provoked. If you are socializing him improperly, there are greater chances that he will bite as an adult. Although, they are very cool and calm. But can be wary of strangers and strange dogs.

How much does Bull dogs’ cost?

On average, a Bulldog can cost you around $1600. But it can vary depending upon its health conditions. It’s a low-maintenance dog breed.

Are the Bulldogs hard to train?

Bulldogs are pure sweethearts, but they have very stubborn temperaments.  Sometimes it’s very difficult to train them, but it can be achieved by positive reinforcement via voice commands.

Why are Bulldogs so Expensive?

One thing which makes them so expensive is their popularity. Due to their popularity, their demand is high. They are great family dogs and get well along with the kids and other pets. 

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