Have you ever wondered why dogs eat grass? This is a common behavior noticed by many dog owners, which leaves their heads in confusion. In this article, we will see why dogs engage in this unusual behavior. We will explore the possible reasons behind their grass-eating habits and explain how you can take their special care. One thing you must know is that dogs are not strictly meat eaters, they can eat anything to fulfill their dietary needs. However, usually, they eat what they hunted, which includes meat, bones, internal organs, and stomach. They fulfill their fiber needs from the grass and plants contained in their prey’s stomach.
Most of the dogs also eat
grass during their walks or in the backyard. Additionally, sometimes they also
eat grass out of boredom and to satisfy their natural instincts. Another possibility
is that grass may act as a natural digestive aid to help the dogs to alleviate upset
stomachs. But dog owners need to know that all grass is not safe for dogs. Some
can be toxic and lead to discomfort and vomiting. Let’s first discuss the
possible reasons for their grass-eating behavior.
Some Possible Reasons Why Your Dog is Eating Grass
Natural Instincts
Primarily, dogs are
carnivorous. However, their natural instincts drive them to eat grass.
Occasionally, their wild ancestors’ wolves also consume the vegetation as part
of their diet. So, this behavior of dogs gave evolutionary roots. They ingest
plants to obtain additional nutrients, and fiber, or to aid in digestion. Today,
these natural instincts are also observed in domesticated dogs. However, the
exact reason can vary from dog to dog. In fact, not all types of grass are safe
for dogs. So, owners should take care that their dogs don’t have access to
toxic grass.
Nutritional Needs
Sometimes dogs eat grass to
fulfill their certain nutritional needs. As they are carnivores, so their diet
can lack an adequate amount of fiber or specific vitamins and minerals. So,
they start eating grass to get dietary fiber, which aids in their digestion and
promotes their bowel movements. Additionally, grass also contains many other
beneficial nutrients that are good for their overall health. Many veterinarians
believe that it’s a natural way for dogs to supplement their diet. However,
it’s important to understand that grass alone is not the best food for dogs.
So, as a good way, you can consult with your veterinarian to know whether your
dog is eating the grass due to nutritional deficiencies or due to any other
reason. Make sure your furry companion is receiving the appropriate diet and
Digestive Aid
The grass also acts as a
digestive aid for dogs in certain critical situations, especially when they
have an upset stomach. Your dog may also eat grass when experiencing
gastrointestinal discomfort to induce vomiting. It helps them to eliminate
something that is causing them discomfort. They expel the indigestible
substances by eating more fiber content. It’s important to avoid the toxic
varieties of grass and the grass that is treated with pesticides. But make sure
to consult with your veterinarian if your dog certainly experiences digestive
problems or shows signs of illness.
Behavior and Boredom
Many dogs do unexpected things
when they get bored or distressed. These are curious creatures that start
exploring with their mouths during boredom. You may find them nibbling on grass
simply out of curiosity. Many bored dogs that are seeking mental stimulation
eat grass as a form of entertainment. Chewing on grass offers them a different
texture and taste. So, provide them with proper mental and physical stimulation
if your dog is eating grass due to boredom and destructive behavior. You can
engage them in activities such as regular exercise, and playtime, and offer
them interactive toys to alleviate boredom. However, if you noticed your dog is
consistently eating grass, provide them alternative forms of mental
Gastrointestinal Issues
Sometimes dogs start eating
grass due to gastrointestinal issues, especially when they experience stomach
discomforts such as indigestion, excess gas, or bloating. They eat grass as a
form of self-medication, which helps them to stimulate regurgitation or induce
vomiting and they get temporary relief from upset stomachs. So, make sure to
consult with your veterinarian as it’s not a long-term solution for
gastrointestinal issues. He will surely guide you about the appropriate diet,
medications, and other interventions for your dog.
Your Dog is Thirsty
Many individuals start eating
grass when they are thirsty. Grass contains high water content and dogs eat it
to get rid of their thirst. They primarily eat it due to thirst in the morning
or late in the evening when the grass has dew on it. Sometimes they also eat
grass when they nibble on it during the hot summer days. So, make your dog
always has excess to fresh bowl of water.
Safety Concerns For Dogs That Eat Grass
Eating grass is a common
behavior for dogs. So don’t panic if your dog is also eating grass. It’s always
good to consult with the veterinarian, but if you don’t have time keep in mind
the below safety concerns.
Pesticides and Chemicals
Make sure your dog is not eating
grass that is treated with pesticides, herbicides, and chemicals. These
substances can be harmful to dogs and cause them stomach issues. So, it’s important
to ensure that the grass is free from potentially toxic substances.
Toxic Plants
Sometimes grass is also
contaminated with toxic plants such as weeds, or poisonous vegetation. Dogs eat
these plants as well when they eat grass, which leads them to various health
issues. So, make sure to remove these plants from the areas your dog is regularly
visiting such as the backyard, lawn, etc.
Fertilizers and Lawn Treatments
Using fertilizers and lawn
treatment for the grass in residential areas is common thing. But these lawn
care products can be harmful to dogs and other pet animals. These can cause stomach
issues for dogs, especially when they eat the grass from the areas that have
been recently treated. As an alternative, you can use organic and pet-safe lawn
Intestinal Obstruction
If your dog is swallowing the
grass without proper chewing, it can lead to intestinal issues. The long and
sharp grass blades can obstruct their digestive system. In this case, you can
quickly consult with your veterinarian.
Allergic Reactions
Some dogs have allergic reactions,
and eating grass can trigger their allergic reactions. In worst cases, they can
face the symptoms like itching, skin irritation, or gastrointestinal upset. So,
make sure to consult with your veterinarian if you notice any of these symptoms.
It’s advisable to supervise
your dog’s grass-eating behavior to ensure their safety. You can keep them busy
with different activities to minimize their unusual behavior. Provide them with
safe chew toys, and maintain a non-toxic environment.
Normal vs. Excessive Behavior
Differentiating between the
normal and excessive grass-eating behavior of your dog will help you to determine
if there is a cause for concern. Below is the comparison between normal and excessive
grass-eating behavior of dogs.
Normal Grass Eating Behavior
- Your dog may occasionally nibble on grass blades, which is a part of their normal behavior.
- Normally they ingest a small amount of grass.
- The dogs that eat grass as a normal behavior don’t exhibit any signs of distress or discomfort after eating the grass.
- Normally, grass-eating is not the primary focus for dogs. Sometimes they unintentionally eat grass.
Excessive Grass Eating Behavior
- The dogs with excessive grass-eating behavior engage in this behavior frequently. They eat larger quantities of grass.
- Excessive grass eaters consume grass even when other options are easily available.
- Excessive grass-eating dogs show symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, or excessive drooling.
- They show an obsession with grass and display anxiety when it's not available. They love to eat grass over other activities.
Individual Differences
Just like humans, dogs also show
individual differences in terms of their grass-eating behaviors. Below are some
factors that play a role in their behavioral differences.
Different dog breeds have
different tendencies toward grass-eating. Some show more interest in grazing on
grass, while others display this behavior as frequently.
Personality and Temperament
Every dog has different
personality traits, which influence its grass-eating behavior. Some are more
curious than others, which leads them to experiment with grass consumption. In comparison,
the less cautious dogs may be less inclined to eat grass.
Dietary Factors
Your dog's diet also plays an important
role in their grass-eating behaviors. Dogs with dietary deficiencies may be more
likely to eat grass as compared to other dogs. So, make sure your dog is
getting a well-balanced diet to reduce their grass-eating behaviors.
Environmental Factors
The dog's living environment also
impacts its grass-eating behaviors. The dogs that are surrounded by grass and
spend more time outdoors may be more likely to engage in grass-eating. Additionally,
exposure to other animals also can also influence the dog’s behavior.
Individual Preferences
Dogs also have their individual
preferences like humans. Some may enjoy eating certain types of grass as compared
to others.
In all these cases, it’s important
to keep in mind that occasional grass eating is normal for dogs. However, it’s always
good to consult with a veterinarian if you have any health concerns about your dog.
Responsible Dog Care
When you are caring for a dog
that has the habit of grass-eating, you must take a responsible approach to
ensure its well-being. Below are some guidelines for responsible dog care.
- Monitor the Environment
- Provide the Balanced Diet
- Regular Veterinary Check-ups
- Environmental Enrichment
- Training and Behavioral Management
- Regular Exercise and Play
- Regular Grooming
- Supervision and Limitations
The grass-eating behavior of
dogs is a common and intriguing aspect of their nature. The exact reason behind
their grass-eating behavior can vary, but generally, it is considered a normal
and harmless behavior for most dogs. Some of the common reasons for dogs to grass
eating behavior include natural instincts, nutritional needs, gastrointestinal
issues, behavior, boredom, or simply out of curiosity. As a responsible owner,
you should provide your dog with a balanced diet, and safe environment to
minimize these types of issues.